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Center Helps Create Harmonious Family Education Environment

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Center Helps Create Harmonious Family Education Environment

ByYao Yao and Lei Yang June 30, 2022
[For Women of China]


Sishui (a county in East China's Shandong Province) People's Procuratorate and Sishui Women's Federation recently established a family education guidance service center. The center's services include family education guidance, education of minors involved in crimes, and legal and psychological counseling. The procuratorate will strengthen cooperation with other departments, and it will provide legal safeguards to the building of a harmonious environment for family education.

An official from Sishui Women's Federation said the center was established to help implement the law on the promotion of family education, and the center will help promote the construction of the county's family education guidance service system.


(Women of China English Monthly April 2022 issue)


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